New Builds for Windows, Linux and Android

I got the camera to behave the way I wanted it to on Android.  Previously, if you tried to scroll but the camera was rotated, the axis of your scrolling would be off.  That has been resolved.  I also noticed in issue in the Windows version I put up yesterday in which the Cubes would not properly clear from your rack when starting a new game.  That has also been fixed.  Some minor changes have been made to the menu and pause menu, to help smooth those out a little.  One other little change which I think makes a big difference is that now all the text has a slight outline to make it easier to read.  I'm happy enough with the stability of these builds to be able to finally focus on the Upgrade cubes.


RDGsBotBattle for Windows 64 MB
Apr 23, 2018
RDGsBotBattle for Android 04238.apk 68 MB
Apr 23, 2018
RDGsBotBattle for Linux 74 MB
Apr 23, 2018

Get RDG's BotBattle: The Prototype

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